Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Every Mouse needs a blanket

3rd birthday, 2011

Mousie is an important member of our family.  I did not know when I gave Mousie as a present on a 3rd birthday that he would become a treasured friend.  Mousie's attributes are many.  He's clever and sneaky.  He loves to tell secrets.  He is fairly well behaved as mouses go, and he likes to come along for all adventures.  Seems like he follows in the footsteps of many great literary mice - Ralph S. Mouse, Stuart Little, Santa Mouse, the Downstairs Cranston's {Secrets at Sea, Richard Peck}.

A request came up for Mousie to have his own blanket.  We talked about it what it should look like & Calvin decided upon stripes, rainbow stripes.  I took him into my fabric stash and he picked out each color and picked the flannel backing. 

After agreeing that I'd make it, Calvin checked on my progress for many days - asking when it would be finished.  "You're a Maker!" Calvin declared.  Stop my heart, baby; what a precious compliment. 

All moms are makers.

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